There have been a few times in my life...not many, but occasions where a prayer has been prayed over me and the Lord has shown me very clearly, that the prayer was answered because of that persons prayer. There have also been times when He has very clearly answered prayers for someone else because of a prayer I prayed. Now we know we serve a faithful God, and His word says in 1 John 5:14 that if we ask anything, according to His will, He hears us. But we also know that His answer is not always going to be a yes. We know that He sees the big picture we cannot see. But still we are called to pray for one another and I believe that sometimes, on those occasions that the prayer was answered through intersession of another is, at least in part for these reasons.
First, The building of faith.
I worked at a restaraunt called The Red Pony for many years. When I started there I was young and not walking as closely with the Lord as I should have been. But over the course of a year or so, the Lord pulled me back to Him and I fell more deeply in love with Jesus then I had ever been. I wanted desperately to leave the restaurant business but the Lord would not allow me to leave at that time. So I began to pray. I began to see my job as my mission field and prayed daily over the building, the people, my coworkers, even the food. I would pray for hours at times, crying out to God to move over the lives of those I worked with, those I served, and those affected by the behaviors of some in the building. Slowly the Lord began to move, the whole feel of the restaurant changed. People began asking me to pray over situations or struggles and the Lord would answer. I remember one instance very well. One of my sweet coworkers names Lisa had a cat. She was never able to have children and I could tell by the way she talked about her husband, and their struggles that the wound was very deep for both of them. As a result, the cats became like their kids. This women is as sweet a women as you would ever meet. She has a heart of gold and a love for people. We would sometimes talk about the Lord but she struggled too believe and accept God’s love for her. One day she came to work very upset. She told me that her cat was sick and that her vet did not expect him to make it. So I took her into my prayer closet (the upstairs ladies, one stall bathroom) and we prayed. We prayed for absolute healing over the cat. I have never prayed so hard for an animal before, or since. I prayed not because the cat meant anything to me. Not because they would not be able to get another one....but because I knew just how much this cat meant to her, to their marriage. The next day she came to work and said the vet could not explain it but that the cat was completely all meds, completely restored. It showed me that the Lord cares about things that may seem small. And spoke volumes to her of the love that her creator has for her, that He would do something miraculous in her life. She did not become a child of God that day….And I may never, this side of heaven, see her turn to Jesus as Savior, but I know He moved in her life in a way she could see and understand, to show His love to her.
The second reason I believe that God answers prayers of intersession for someone else is because I believe He honors the asking. As believers we have the ability to go to the Father with anything. Any struggle, and joy. But we are created for community, for fellowship. And when we lay down our pride and fear and choose instead to be vulnerable and ask for prayer...we are not only walking in humility, but giving the Lord more opportunity for receiving glory the answered prayer. I struggle with this. I know others that do as well….You don’t want others to see your weaknesses, and sometimes feel like a burden to those you love in the asking. But the word says where two or more are gathered He is there. He wants to be a part of our lives. When we keep things between He and us, We are stopping Him from having full access to the glory He could receive in a community. This does not mean that He will never answer a silent prayer or that every prayer is meant to be shared…. But I do believe that in a dark world in need of light, it often comes in answered prayers. And He will sometimes….Honor the asking.