I think one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves as believers, is how do I respond when the Lord answers a prayer? It's so easy to become a spoiled brat Christian. Like a kid who gets upset because they didn't get what they wanted for Christmas even though they got a lot of other really great presents. When He answers, sometimes they way we had hoped and sometimes not, either way He is worthy. Either way He is faithful. Either way He deserves our praise. And it's so easy to forget to stop and thank Him. We hold out our hands with expectation, but forget to hold them up in praise.
I was thinking the other day about how quickly I turn into an Israelites. I pray earnestly for something and the Lord provides above and beyond what I could have imagined, but after a while I start to grumble. I start to become dissatisfied with the thing that was at one point, Miraculous. It's human nature to receive what we want and soon forget. To fall back into despair when things don't go our way rather than remembering the faithfulness of our Father and all the things He has done for us. It is important not only for our own faith but for the faith of others to remember. To stop and acknowledge. And to share with others in the struggles and the victories. To join together in praise for the answers we are praying , even if we haven't gotten one yet. To remember the times He has answered and blown us away with the intricate ways in which He weaves together beautiful stories of redemption, healing, fruitfulness, bounty, and provision. The way He answers even those small prayers we pray that in the scheme of things are probably insignificant.
Recognize them. Respond to them. Rejoice over them. Remember them.
3 weeks ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She is the most amazing gift I have ever received and I can't imagine my life without her. The Lord answered so many of my prayers with this child, in so many sweet ways that only the Lord could do. But there are moments, when she is fussy in the middle of the night, it's easy to forget what a miracle she is. It's hard, it's exhausting, it's a whole new set of worries, and struggles. But that does not change the fact, or minimize in any way, that she is an answer to so many prayers. And I remind myself daily to thank my Father for this amazing gift. To rest in a place of gratitude because it makes the tough moments a little brighter, and the sweet moments a little sweeter.
It takes intentionality. A posture of gratitude.
In Psalm 20 verses 4-5 David wrote
"May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests."
David recognized that all victory comes from the Lord. That every victory should be shared and that they should celebrated and praise the one who gave them victory!
I think we need to stop regularly and ask ourselves, are we acknowledging what He has done for us? Basking in the grandeur of His goodness, faithfulness, glory, and greatness. Do we find it impossible to resist praising Him for who He is, for His total worthiness. He is the King. He is the All in All. He is the maker of the heavens and the earth. Nothing is more important than His presence. Nothing and no one deserves our full attention and focus like He does. Absolutely nothing compares to His great love and affection for us. Absolutely no one can fill us like He can. His answers to prayer, weather we understand them or not, weather we can grasp the full reality of them or not, are sovereign and holy. He cannot lie, cannot fail, He cannot do wrong. He is a good Father and He deserves all of our gratitude.